Saturday, 2 April 2016

1.2 Calculations

1.1 Atomic Structure

Welcome to my blog!

This blog contains hand-made notes of all the topics required to sit the AQA AS Level Chemistry.

The Topics will include:

Physical Chemsitry

1.1 Atomic Structure
1.2 Calculations
1.3 Bonding
1.4 Energetics
1.5 Kinetics
1.6 Equilibria
1.7 Redox

Inorganic Chemsitry

2.1 Periodicity
2.2 Group 2
2.3 Group 7

Organic Chemsitry

3.1 Introduction to Organic Chemistry
3.2 Alkanes
3.3 Halogenoalkanes
3.4 Alkenes
3.5 Alcohols
3.6 Organic Analysis

Please feel free to utilise my notes and please comment if you have any queries or spot any mistakes - if I have made any. The main sources I have used in compiling these notes are notes made in class, the website,  the CGP Revision book and the Oxford AQA Chemsitry A-Level Textbook which was given to me by my school so my notes should be quite reliable and useful.